Office Address

Postal Code: 1439817435, Tehran,Iran

Phone Number

+ (98) 21 88356138

Email Address

Investment & Development, Bridging the Gap, Delivering Progress

Harnessing the Power of Collaboration for Infrastructure and Service Excellence

At INGP Holding , we believe in the transformative power of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). We act as a trusted advisor and collaborative partner, bringing together the strengths of the public and private sectors to deliver innovative solutions for infrastructure development and service delivery.


  • Deep industry expertise: We possess a comprehensive understanding of the PPP landscape, with experience across diverse sectors like transportation, healthcare, energy, and education.
  • Tailored solutions: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, crafting a customized PPP approach that optimizes value and minimizes risk.
  • Financial acumen: Our team boasts extensive financial expertise, ensuring optimal structuring and financial modelling for projects, attracting the right private sector partners.
  • Risk management: We navigate the complex risk landscape associated with PPPs, mitigating potential challenges and ensuring transparent, accountable project execution.
  • Sustainable focus: We are committed to creating sustainable solutions that not only deliver economic benefits but also contribute to environmental and social well-being.

  • Type of Contracts

  • Operation and maintenance contract (O & M)
  • Build–finance (BF)
  • Build–operate–transfer (BOT)+Design
  • Build–own–operate–transfer (BOOT)+ Design
  • Build–own–operate (BOO)+ Design
  • Build–lease–transfer (BLT)+ Design
  • Design–build–finance–maintain (DBFM)
  • Design–build–finance–maintain–operate (DBFMO)
  • Design–build–operate–transfer (DBOT)
  • Design–construct–manage–finance (DCMF)
  • Engineering- procurement- construction-finance ( EPCF)

  • Why Choose Us:

  • Proven track record: We have a successful history of delivering impactful PPP projects across various sectors, partnering with both public and private stakeholders.
  • Client-centric approach: We prioritize collaborative partnerships, fostering open communication and building trust throughout the engagement.
  • Commitment to integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency and accountability in every aspect of our work.

  • Let's Partner for Progress:

    If you're seeking a reliable and experienced partner to navigate the world of PPPs, look no further than INGP Holding . Contact us today and discover how we can help you unlock the potential of Public-Private Partnerships to achieve your infrastructure and service delivery goals.
    Together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future.