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Leading research center of Russia
The only state scientific-research institute of Russia in the field of petroleum refining

By the order of Ministry of oil industry of the USSR ¹ 258 from April 12, 1956 on the base of petroleum refining department of Ufa Scientific Research Institute, which couldn't any longer provide increasing industrial requirements with scientific developments and investigations, Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Refining (Bash NIINP)was established (now Institute of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry). On May 23, 1956 Ministry of oil industry of the USSR approved the regulation about Bash NIINP, determining the fields of activities of the institute: "….Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Refining is an institute of union significance, which conducts scientific-research works on improving Bashkir and Tatar petroleum processing technologies and quality of petroleum products as well as broadening assortment of oil products, produced from sulfur-bearing oils….).
Taking into account the procedure of the stuff and materialresources transfer, the actual start of activities of Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Refining is considered to be July 1, 1956. Settlement account was opened on the 20th of July, 1956.
On the 26th of June, 1956 the staff of the institute consisted of 110 people working in scientific - research laboratories together with subsidiary personnel and administrative department (total 178 people).
The first steps of the institute foundation were very difficult. There was lack of place in the two - storied building near the central entrance of the Order of Lenin Ufa Petroleum Refining plant (complex of buildings in which the institute is situated nowadays was built only in winter of 1961-1962).New staff and scientific - research base were needed.
Almost half a century has passed since the foundation of Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Refining. Political system, financial state, directors and staff have been changing. Only one thing is unchangeable: all these years the institute fulfils the task which had been placed on it in the distant 1956: being a leading industrial enterprise the institute provides home industry with scientific developments.


  • Research
  • Developments Field supervision
  • Designing
  • Procurement
  • Delivery of equipment
  • Construction
  • Start-up works
  • Complex schemes of petroleum and gas condensates processing
  • Pretreatment of petroleum for transporting and processing
  • Pretreatment and efficient use of casing-head petroleum gas
  • Distillation of petroleum, gas condensates ant their fractions
  • Small-scale complexes of petroleum processing
  • Catalytic processes of motor fuel production
  • Delayed coking, visbreaking, thermal cracking
  • Production of bitumens, bitumen emulsions and mastics
  • Production of petroleum pitches, caking additives
  • Treatment of gases and petroleum from sulfur compounds
  • Processing of hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulfur
  • Water supply and removal, wastewater and gas effluents treatment
  • Design of polygons for burial of industrial and solid domestic wastes
  • Automatization of technological processes

  • The institute gives expert resolution on:

  • Quality of petroleum products of wide spectrum of application and waste waters;
  • New technologies and processes of oil and gas processing.
  • Small-scale experimental production of the Institute has the set pilot plants according to the basic petroleum refining processes and produces the whole row of petrochemical products.

  • The Institute issues its developments in the form of technological regulations on design of new and reconstruction of existing productions, basic and detail projects and participates in construction and “turn-According to its research works the Institute has received more than 500 author certificates and patents including 35 foreign patents.

    contact Info

    Address: 450065, Russia, Bashkortostan, Ufa.
    Tel: +7 (347) 2422511
    Fax: +7 (347) 2422473




